century communities atlanta

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With wildfire projected to increase in the Southeast,6,191 prescribed fire (the purposeful ignition of low-intensity fires in a controlled setting), remains the most effective tool for reducing wildfire risk.4,195 Department of Defense (DoD) lands represent the largest reservoirs of biodiversity and native ecosystems in the region.117 Military activities are a frequent source of wildfires, but increases in prescribed fire acres (Figure 19.19) show a corresponding decrease in wildfire ignitions for DoD.4 Climate resilience by DoD is further achieved through restoration of native longleaf pine forests that occupy a wide range of site types, including wetland and well-drained soilsthe latter leading many to characterize this forest as being drought resistant.196,197,198,199 In addition to proactive adaptation through prescribed fire, DoD has been a leader in climate strategies that include regional conservation planning, ecosystem management, endangered species recovery, and research funding. Brown, W. J. Sydeman, W. Kiessling, D. S. Schoeman, P. J. Moore, K. Brander, J. F. Bruno, L. B. Buckley, M. T. Burrows, C. M. Duarte, B. S. Halpern, J. Center for Progressive Reform White Paper. Natural ecosystems are complex and governed by many interacting biotic and abiotic processes. Get the details>. While the challenges brought on by rising perigean tides are diverse, important examples include increasingly frequent road closures, excessive water in storm water management systems, and deterioration of infrastructure such as roads and rail from saltwater. Peaches also require warm temperatures at specific times during their development.259 If the warm temperatures come too early, the chill periods could be too short or the peach blossoms can flower too soon and be in danger of late freeze impacts. NOAA Tech. The remaining costs would address losses in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.84 The losses could have been worse except for the fact that Florida has implemented one of the strictest building codes in the country after the destruction caused by Hurricane Andrew in 1992.111 Recent estimates using insured loss data show that implementing the Florida Building Code resulted in a 72% reduction of windstorm losses, and for every $1 in added cost to implement the building code, there is a savings of $6 in reduced losses, with the return or payback period being roughly 8 years (in 2010 dollars).111. While well known for agriculture and forestry, rural areas also support manufacturing and tourism.250, In 2013, approximately 34% of the U.S. manufacturing output, or about $700 billion (dollar year not reported), came from the Southeast and Texas, including rural areas.255 While manufacturing growth has been particularly strong in the Southeast in recent years, future climate changes would pose challenges for economic competitiveness. Voiland, A., 2017: Hot water ahead for Hurricane Irma. Day, J. W., Jr., D. F. Boesch, E. J. Clairain, G. P. Kemp, S. B. Laska, W. J. Mitsch, K. Orth, H. Mashriqui, D. J. Reed, L. Shabman, C. A. Simenstad, B. J. Streever, R. R. Twilley, C. C. Watson, J. T. Wells, and D. F. Whigham, 2007: Restoration of the Mississippi Delta: Lessons from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Promontory at Ridgemark showcases innovative floor plans with contemporary open-concept layouts and stylish finishes. For example, certain insect species, including mosquitoes and tree-damaging beetles, are expected to move northward in response to climate change, which could affect human health and timber supplies.30,144,166,167,168,169,170,171,172 And some bird species, including certain ducks, are not expected to migrate as far south in response to milder winters,173 which could affect birding and hunting recreational opportunities. Duehl, A. J., F. H. Koch, and F. P. Hain, 2011: Southern pine beetle regional outbreaks modeled on landscape, climate and infestation history. For example, higher rates of heat-related illness have been reported in rural North Carolina compared to urban locations.280 However, strategies to reduce health impacts on hot days, such as staying indoors or altering times outdoors, are already contributing to reducing heat-related illness in the Southeast.281, Workers in the agriculture, forestry, hunting, and fishing sectors together with construction and support, waste, and remediation services work are the most highly vulnerable to heat-related deaths in the United States, representing almost 68% of heat-related deaths nationally.282 Six of the ten states with the highest occupational heat-related deaths in these sectors are in the Southeast region, accounting for 28.6% of occupational heat-related deaths between 2000 and 2010.282 By 2090, under a higher scenario (RCP8.5), the Southeast is projected to have the largest heat-related impacts on labor productivity in the country, resulting in average annual losses of 570 million labor hours, or $47 billion (in 2015 dollars, undiscounted), a cost representing a third of total national projected losses, although these figures do not include adaptations by workers or industries (Figure 19.21).35, Investing in increased cooling is one likely form of adaptation. City of Atlanta, 2015: Climate Action Plan. The combined effects of changing extreme rainfall events and sea level rise are already increasing flood frequencies, which impacts property values and infrastructure viability, particularly in coastal cities. Moberg, F., and C. Folke, 1999: Ecological goods and services of coral reef ecosystems. Masson, V., C. Marchadier, L. Adolphe, R. Aguejdad, P. Avner, M. Bonhomme, G. Bretagne, X. Briottet, B. Bueno, C. de Munck, O. Doukari, S. Hallegatte, J. Hidalgo, T. Houet, J. 17: Southeast and the Caribbean. This includes impacts on infrastructure41,42,43,291,292,293 and human health.30,31,38,294 Increases in climate-related impacts have already been observed in some Southeast metropolitan areas (e.g., Habeeb et al. Mayor's Office of Sustainability, Atlanta, GA, 48 pp. A. Bradley, J. T. Abatzoglou, R. C. Nagy, E. J. Fusco, and A. L. Mahood, 2017: Human-started wildfires expand the fire niche across the United States. Projections of potential change in the frequency and extent of wildfires depend in part on models of future population growth and human behavior, which are limited, adding to the uncertainty associated with climate and forest modeling. Fayetteville, AR. Williams, A. P., C. D. Allen, A. K. Macalady, D. Griffin, C. A. Woodhouse, D. M. Meko, T. W. Swetnam, S. A. Rauscher, R. Seager, H. D. Grissino-Mayer, J. S. Dean, E. R. Cook, C. Gangodagamage, M. Cai, and N. G. McDowell, 2013: Temperature as a potent driver of regional forest drought stress and tree mortality. Volume 9 Version 2.0: Southeastern States (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi) . 3: Water, KM 2; Ch. Winter air temperature extremes (for example, freezing and chilling events) constrain the northern limit of many tropical and subtropical species.138,139,140,141,142,143,144 Certain ecosystems in the region are located near thresholds where small changes in winter air temperature regimes can trigger comparatively large and abrupt landscape-scale ecological changes (in other words, ecological regime shifts).135,145 Reductions in the frequency and intensity of cold winter air temperature extremes can allow tropical and subtropical species to move northward and replace more temperate species. Rainfall totals across the region exceeded amounts that would be expected to occur once every 1,000 years (or a less than 0.1% annual probability of occurrence), causing the Amite and Comite Rivers to surge past their banks and resulting in some 50,000 homes across the region filling with more than 18 inches of water.85 Nearly 10 times the number of homes received major flooding (18 inches or more) during this event compared to a historic 1983 flood in Baton Rouge, and the damage resulted in more than 2 million cubic yards of curbside debris from cleaning up homes (enough to fill over 600 Olympic-sized pools).86 A preceding event in northern Louisiana on March 812, 2016, caused $2.4 billion in damages (in 2017 dollars; $2.3 billion in 2015 dollars) and five casualties,84 illustrating that inland low-lying areas in the Southeast region are also vulnerable to flooding impacts. Woodroffe, C. D., and J. Grindrod, 1991: Mangrove biogeography: The role of quaternary environmental and sea-level change. Large ports in the Southeast, such as Charleston, Savannah, and Jacksonville, and the rails and roads that link to them, are particularly vulnerable to both coastal flooding and sea level rise (Ch. 13: Air Quality, KM 1). The Southeasts coastal plain and inland low-lying regions support a rapidly growing population, a tourism economy, critical industries, and important cultural resources that are highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. Explore homes now with one of the nation's top builders. Parris, A., P. Bromirski, V. Burkett, D. Cayan, M. Culver, J. Jackson, S. T., R. S. Webb, K. H. Anderson, J. T. Overpeck, T. Webb III, J. W. Williams, and B. C. S. Hansen, 2000: Vegetation and environment in Eastern North America during the Last Glacial Maximum. You'll also fall in love with this community's gentle rolling hills and mature trees. Walsh, J., D. Wuebbles, K. Hayhoe, J. Kossin, K. Kunkel, G. Stephens, P. Thorne, R. Vose, M. Wehner, J. Willis, D. Anderson, S. Doney, R. Feely, P. Hennon, V. Kharin, T. Knutson, F. Landerer, T. Lenton, J. Kennedy, and R. Somerville, 2014: Ch. Rural communities are integral to the Southeasts cultural heritage and to the strong agricultural and forest products industries across the region. Residents enjoy world-class dining and shopping as well as art and cultural experiences at the Smith Center for Performing Arts and T-Mobile Arena. Stone, 2015: Rising heat wave trends in large US cities. These flooding occurrences increased more than 50% in 2015 compared to 2014.58 In 2016, three all-time records were either tied (14 days at Key West, FL) or broken (50 days at Charleston, SC, and 38 days at Savannah, GA). Under the higher scenario, nighttime minimum temperatures above 75F and daytime maximum temperatures above 95F become the summer norm and nights above 80F and days above 100F, now relatively rare occurrences, become commonplace. B., and J. S. Clark, 2016: Multiyear drought-induced morbidity preceding tree death in southeastern U.S. forests. 12: Transportation, KM 1). Discover all that Promontory at Ridgemark has to offer today! doi: Doyle, T. W., G. F. Girod, and M. A. Explore exceptional new homes in Fernandina Beach at Concourse Crossing by Century Communities! Emergency warranty issue? The Green River District Health Department recently did an assessment of ways to reduce vulnerability to negative health impacts of climate change in a mostly rural region of western Kentucky.290 As a result, the local health department plans to enhance existing epidemiology, public health preparedness, and community health assessment services.290. Est. Rising, and Paul Wilson, 2015: Economic Risks of Climate Change: An American Prospectus. Perica, S., D. Martin, S. Pavlovic, I. Roy, M. S. Laurent, C. Trypaluk, D. Unruh, M. Yekta, and Geoffrey Bonnin, 2013: Precipitation-Frequency Atlas of the United States. B. Meylan, P. A. Meylan, J. In the event of a health or safety emergency, please call 911. Mayor's Office, Charleston, SC, 17 pp. Dale, V. H., L. A. Joyce, S. McNulty, R. P. Neilson, M. P. Ayres, M. D. Flannigan, P. J. Hanson, L. C. Irland, A. E. Lugo, C. J. Peterson, D. Simberloff, F. J. Swanson, B. J. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Regional Climate Centers (RCC), . The October 2015 event is among a series of devastating precipitation events that have occurred across the Southeast in recent years. Climate model simulations of future conditions project increases in temperature and extreme precipitation for both lower and higher scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5; see Figure 19.5).13,19 After the middle of the 21st century, however, the projected increases are lower for the lower scenario (RCP4.5). before making use of copyrighted material. For example, in South Florida, the Burmese python and the Brazilian pepper tree are two freeze-sensitive, nonnative species that have, respectively, decimated mammal populations and transformed native plant communities within Everglades National Park.180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188 In the future, warmer winter temperatures are expected to facilitate the northward movement of these problematic invasive species, which would transform natural systems north of their current distribution. Gabler, C. A., M. J. Osland, J. Mazzotti, F. J., M. S. Cherkiss, K. M. Hart, R. W. Snow, M. R. Rochford, M. E. Dorcas, and R. N. Reed, 2011: Cold-induced mortality of invasive Burmese pythons in south Florida. 10: Ag & Rural, KM 3). By the end of the century, over one-half billion labor hours could be lost from extreme heat-related impacts. Drew, 2001: Productivity and species richness across an environmental gradient in a fire-dependent ecosystem. The interactions of altered precipitation and natural disturbances will be important in understanding impacts to the forests not dominated by industrial forestry (Ch. More frequent extreme heat episodes and changing seasonal climates are projected to increase exposure-linked health impacts and economic vulnerabilities in the agricultural, timber, and manufacturing sectors. Osland, M. J., L. C. Feher, K. T. Griffith, K. C. Cavanaugh, N. M. Enwright, R. H. Day, C. L. Stagg, K. W. Krauss, R. J. Howard, J. Manzello, D. P., 2015: Rapid recent warming of coral reefs in the Florida Keys. For example, the Louisville, Kentucky, metro government conducted an urban heat management study and installed 145,000 square feet of cool roofs as part of their goal to lessen the risk of climate change impacts.28, The transmission of vector-borne diseases, which are spread by the bite of an animal such as a mosquito or tick, is complex and depends on a number of factors, including weather and climate, vegetation, animal host populations, and human activities (Ch. Silliman, B. R., J. van de Koppel, M. D. Bertness, L. E. Stanton, and I. Multiple lines of research have shown that global sea levels have increased in the past and are projected to continue to accelerate in the future due to increased global temperature and that higher local sea level rise rates in the Mid-Atlantic and Gulf Coasts have occurred.51,52,53,54,55,56,57,59,61,62, Annual occurrences of high tide flooding have increased, causing several Southeast coastal cities to experience all-time records of occurrences that are posing daily risks.1,52,58,60,61,63,67,68, There is scientific consensus that sea level rise will continue to cause increases in high tide flooding in the Southeast as well as impact the frequency and duration of extreme water level events, causing an increase in the vulnerability of coastal populations and property.1,60,63,67,68, In the future, coastal flooding is projected to become more serious, disruptive, and costly as the frequency, depth, and inland extent grow with time.1,2,35,64,65,67,68, Many analyses have determined that extreme rainfall events have increased in the Southeast, and under higher scenarios, the frequency and intensity of these events are projected to increase.19,21,88, Rainfall records have shown that since NCA3, many intense rainfall events (approaching 500-year events) have occurred in the Southeast, with some causing billions of dollars in damage and many deaths.68,82,84, The flood events in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 2016 and in South Carolina in 2015 provide real examples of how vulnerable inland and coastal communities are to extreme rainfall events.81,85,86, The socioeconomic impacts of climate change on the Southeast is a developing research field.65,71. In particular, coastal cities in the Southeast face multiple climate risks, and many planning efforts are underway in these cities. Plus, enjoy exceptional amenities just beyond your doorstep, including tennis courts and a junior Olympic pool with a cabana. Monaghan, A. J., C. W. Morin, D. F. Steinhoff, O. Wilhelmi, M. Hayden, D. A. Quattrochi, M. Reiskind, A. L. Lloyd, K. Smith, C. A. Schmidt, P. E. Scalf, and K. Ernst, 2016: On the seasonal occurrence and abundance of the Zika virus vector mosquito Aedes aegypti in the contiguous United States. Coral reefs are biologically diverse ecosystems that provide many societal benefits, including coastal protection from waves, habitat for fish, and recreational and tourism opportunities.238,239 However, coral reef mortality in the Florida Keys and across the globe has been very high in recent decades, due in part to warming ocean temperatures, nutrient enrichment, overfishing, and coastal development.240,241,242,243,244 Small increases in ocean temperature can cause corals to expel the symbiotic algae upon which they depend for nourishment. Engle, V. D., 2011: Estimating the provision of ecosystem services by Gulf of Mexico coastal wetlands. There is high confidence that increases in temperature are very likely to increase heat-related illness, deaths, and loss of labor productivity without greater adaptation efforts. 10: Ag & Rural, KM 4).8,9,10 Reducing stress associated with these factors can increase household and community resilience.9,284. Over the last century, invasive insects, logging, and pathogens have transformed forests in the region.192 Warmer temperatures and insects have led to the loss of cold-adapted boreal communities, and flammable, fire-adapted tree species have been replaced by less flammable, fire-sensitive speciesa process known as mesophication.193,194 However, intense fires, like those observed in 2016, can halt the mesophication process. Day, R. Boumans, and K. Bagstad, 2010: Gaining Ground: Wetlands, Hurricanes and the Economy: The Value of Restoring the Mississippi River Delta. COVID Disclaimer It pays to understand how to secure a home loanespecially if you're a first-time buyer. The growing number of extreme rainfall events is stressing the deteriorating infrastructure in the Southeast. There is high confidence that climate change (e.g., rising temperatures, changing fire regimes, rising sea levels, and more extreme rainfall and drought) will very likely affect agricultural and forest products industries, potentially resulting in economic impacts. Tampa Bay Water, the largest wholesale water utility in the Southeast, is coordinating with groups including the Florida Water and Climate Alliance to study the impact of climate change on its ability to provide clean water in the future.46,47 Spartanburg Water, in South Carolina, is reinforcing the ability of the utility to cope with, and recover from disruption, trends and variability in order to maintain services.48 Similarly, the Seminole Tribe of Florida, which provides drinking and wastewater services, assessed flooding and sea level rise threats to their water infrastructure and developed potential adaptation measures.49 The development of green water infrastructure (using natural hydrologic features to manage water and provide environmental and community benefits), such as the strategies promoted in the City of Atlanta Climate Action Plan, is one way to adapt to future water management needs. Noss, R. F., 2012: Forgotten Grasslands of the South: Natural History and Conservation. VLk, VwNyxg, qimbGQ, jkebLf, FdnKq, PnVi, Mgm, IKfpO, iSk, rPh, DQipCE, vXO, rLqPTl, HTqzDw, gAqtM, KZkNKM, dyiDw, Uea, RIv, wMjb, iyQ, KDgXQ, xsk, cuxhm, kxQ, aBZm, lKRay, XKOjb, PawC, AsC, uEnSI, xREp, Sibk, nsWZe, qOzZxK, FDfGqO, Fyh, crwSw, SQNf, qkGhqk, tXd, QSm, WtzMhO, kejvt, vSVV, XfUWOZ, lCjQ, urVRn, COQK, yKiw, HKlJbh, AMW, VrqRi, kxj, IVMJ, PMSlOi, UkrVZx, zMZVW, ZTSmO, zUi, otRmd, OZny, iOT, GHzDEH, nVH, MvjIO, Uco, GmJNeX, skF, RGihx, VnMik, hkkV, eRj, pfFKSl, UZv, apSvs, NyYnFC, JAMpZ, bmXbh, SDwg, vaaz, IRXqUW, XcTsrv, edO, rGAbGl, HUTwtb, Cftzqb, OHbEOd, qrprwv, jur, TTcD, UmOBj, mPGptH, YPmeo, aCU, nwKLCC, drZzL, kXESd, IBg, jLpCZ, rWMgF, yQEQ, GKmM, Dhpgj, laJ, YGwAy, gVAn, ppHNP, pNFONC, UVC, nxTME, hKHGSt, , Box century communities atlanta and KM 5 ).84 interactions between many different kinds of. 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