sugarcube is not defined

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SugarCube is a feature-rich, extensible, and simple story format. Block widgets may access the contents they enclose via the _contents special variable. A save operation details object will have the following properties: Deletes all currently registered on-save handlers. For example, you may use the following JavaScript code to record the last non-menu passage into the $return story variable: (Twine2: the Story JavaScript, Twine1/Twee: a script-tagged passage). For example: That probably won't be very pleasing to the eye, however, so you will likely need several styles to make something that looks half-decent. Divides the current value on the left-hand side of the operator by the value on the right-hand side and assigns the result to the left-hand side. This means that some code points may span multiple code unitse.g., the character is one code point, but two code units. See the :passagerender event for its replacement. Returns a reference to the Dialog object for chaining. If you limit the moments within the history to 1, via setting Config.history.maxStates to 1, then there will only ever be one moment in the history, but passage navigation is still required for new moments to be created. Gets or sets the playlist's randomly shuffled playback state (default: false). Local event triggered on the typing wrapper when the typing of a section stops. Creates a radio button, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name. Returns the playlist's current time in seconds, or NaN if no metadata exists. Used to populate the story's banner area in the UI bar (element ID: story-banner). This macro has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See <> for more information. The function is invoked each time the .processText() method is called. In general, look to the .random() method instead. Returns the first member from the array. Use the Edit Story Stylesheet story editor menu item for styles. In test mode, SugarCube will wrap all macros, and some non-macro markupe.g., link & image markupwithin additional HTML elements, called "debug views" ("views" for short). Performs any required processing before the save data is saved. Registers the passage as <> macro definitions, which are loaded during startup. Note: Sugarcube is a nice tool, and does stuff like save management easier than Harlowe, but it requires more know-how to use its more advanced functionalities. Fullscreen requests must be initiated by the player, generally via click/touchi.e., the request must be made as a result of player interaction; e.g., activating a button/link/etc whose code makes the request. Passage names have passage- prepended to their converted forms and are converted both into IDs and classes depending on how the passage is usedan ID for the active passage, classes for included (via <>) passages. Returns the total number of filled slots. Warning: Note: Only the primitives, generic objects, some JavaScript natives (specifically: Array, Date, Map, RegExp, and Set), and DOM node objects are supported by default. Returns the array of track IDs with the given group ID, or null on failure. So, look through the console to see if a previous error exists and if so, correct any that exist. predisplay tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. Stops playback of the selected tracks and forces them to drop any existing data. This is only really useful within pure JavaScript code, as within TwineScript you may simply access story variables natively. I really hope there is no other post similar; if so, my apologies for asking again. Should the history exceed the limit, states will be dropped from the past (oldest first). Each link removes itself and all other <> links to the same passage after being activated. Twine1/Twee: Registers the passage as a CSS stylesheet, which is loaded during startup. Thus, storing them within story variables is generally wasteful. Returns a reference to the current AudioRunner instance for chaining. Note: To enable test mode, use the test option (-t, --test). For example, a common use of <> is to perform various actions before forwarding the player to another passage. Caches an audio track for use by the other audio macros. Note: SimpleAudio API. See the Save API docs for more information. Testing is strongly advised. However, I had to create this class definition myself: it is not provided by SugarCube as I had hoped. It is replaced by the Setting API and settings special variable. The _contents special variable is used internally, by container widgets, to store the contents they enclose. The active passage's name will be added as its ID (see: Passage Conversions). Removes all of the members from the array that pass the test implemented by the given predicate function and returns a new array containing the removed members. See the <

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